Save the Conwy has had some feed back from Canoe Wales. They have set up a dedicated email account for your responses : [email protected] . Don't worry if you have sent to the old address they will continue to get forwarded.
RWE assert that the preservation of the Fairy Glen is only of interest to a handful of "expert kayakers" . So tell Canoe Wales a bit about yourself. Are you an expert or just a normal guy/girl searching for a bit of adventure. Are you local or does the Conwy provide a draw for you to travel to North Wales. Do you paddle on the Conwy regularly , occasionally , or never but still believe this classic is worthy of protection.
Remember time is ticking, the window for object is short , please try to get your emails of by the beginning of next week.
Let us do our best to keep these natural and beautiful water ways untouched for future generations.
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