14th April 2021Comments are off for this post.

Kendal Flood Risk Management Scheme – Overview

The River Kent flows through the heart of the town of Kendal and has the highest level of protection afforded to a river in Britain, being both a Site of Special Scientific Interest and a Special Area of Conservation. It is also just outside of the Lake District National Park, and is often billed as the “Gateway to the Southern Lakes”. A number of features that the river Kent has been designated for are likely to be impacted by Kendal Flood Risk Management Scheme.

Read more

14th April 2016Comments are off for this post.

What’s on? April 2016

We've been a bit quiet the last month or so, but lots has been going on in the background on a few projects. There can be little doubt that RWE/Dulas will seek to reapply so we are fundraising to help us enlist some professional help.

For more details on why this is happening click here.


WORN WEAR TOUR - 18+19th April - Moel Siabod Cafe

"As individual consumers, the single best thing we can do for the planet is to keep our stuff in use longer."

Worn Wear

The simplest way for us to reduce the amount of power we have to generate is to reduce the amount we use. Our friends at Patagonia will be helping you to do just that by repairing your damaged outdoor kit for free in their Worn Wear Van. The Moel Siabod Cafe in Capel Curig is hosting this on the 18th and 19th of April. If you aren't in North Wales check out the schedule, as they are touring all over Europe.

Worn Wear Tour Dates

Worn Wear Facebook Event

SAVE OUR WILD ADVENTURES - 23rd April - Plas-y-Brenin

SOWA Banner

We've been lucky enough to secure a few films and some great raffle prizes, so come and join us at Plas-y-Brenin on the 23rd. We will kick off at 7pm with a range of outdoor films celebrating the wilds of Wales, British Colombia and China to name but three. More films and details are being added.

SOWA Film night information page

SOWA Film Night Facebook Event Page

We have a few more ideas for fun ways to celebrate the wilds of Wales. Don't forget you can still share your adventures on social media using #SaveOurWildAdventures and #FindYourEpic. See you on the river, out on the hills, or in the woods.


23rd March 2016Comments are off for this post.


Hopefully you have seen that we are having a film-night hosted by Plas-y-Brenin, presented by Patagonia and Sweetgrass Productions on the 23rd of April. For more information on that, or to get a ticket please click here when the page is live (ASAP) or visit Facebook.

With the RWE application rejected, you might be wondering why we are hosting a fundraising night, and what the funds are needed for.


The application was rejected, not on the grounds of enormous objection from a broad range of groups, nor because of the evidence provided on the damage that would be done to recreation and the river environment, not because of the withdrawn promises of tourist infrastructure by RWE, but simply because the planners didn't  feel that they had all the information in the application. There is little doubt that RWE will re-apply, and this time we wish to enlist some professional help in fighting this by employing a planning consultant to assist in and better guide our objection and in the commissioning of further environmental surveys on this precious habitat.


We have been enormously lucky to receive some specific funding from Patagonia for postcards and some local press advertising, and a small amount of money was generated through T Shirt sales, but we need to raise substantial funds to carry on the campaign and secure the future of this free flowing river.

So we are asking for your help and support. We are not asking for donations. Whether it is an evening of great films, entry in a raffle to win amazing prizes from the companies that support us, a T-shirt or just a sticker we will always give you something in return for your cash. That and the promise we will work tirelessly to Save the Conwy.

14th March 2016Comments are off for this post.



You may have seen the news by now, that after a dedicated effort from local campaigners, supported by the 6,311 of you who signed the petition, the Snowdonia National Park Authority made the right decision and refused permission for multinational energy giant RWE to build a hydro scheme on the River Conwy.

After last weeks meeting the refusal notice has now been formally issued and the River Conwy is safe from the developers - THANK YOU!

This is a huge relief to all who care about the special places that we know and love. It is a huge success story for National Parks and the role they play in protecting special places from those who see our natural resources as something to be exploited in damaging and disruptive ways.

The whole process stands as a warning to all of us who care - National Parks and other special places are under attack. We all need to be vigilant and continue to scrutinise those who are elected to govern these institutions and make sure that they understand how important these special places are and how easily they can be damaged.

One organisation that has been instrumental in the success of this campaign is the Snowdonia Society. They have been protecting and celebrating the Snowdonia National Park since 1967 and without them I don't think we would have succeeded.

Please have a look at they work they do and consider becoming a member to help them keep fighting the good fight for another 50 years.


So our warmest thanks to you and congratulations for your part in saving the River Conwy!


Save the Conwy, with help from our friends are continuing to fight for the river by working towards the refusal of any abstraction licences and gathering evidence in preparation for any future planning applications.

We still need your support so follow us here

Or on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/savetheconwy/

Or if twitter is your thing https://twitter.com/savetheconwy

Or if you like pictures https://www.instagram.com/savetheconwy/

Thanks again,

All the team at Save The Conwy

3rd March 2016Comments are off for this post.

Is History Repeating?

Following on from the planning committee's decision on Wednesday to refuse planning permission to RWE, did you know that this isn't the first time this has happened? In 1993 an application was made along similar lines, again involving the Foelas Estate.


Taken from the London Gazette - January 1993.

The extract below is taken from Esme; Guardian of Snowdonia. A fascinating book profiling Emse Kirby, founder of what is now the Snowdonia Society.



"The application for the scheme was eventually withdrawn as it proved impossible to resolve the issues raised". At this stage the scheme can still be appealed, or RWE can choose to reapply.


"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it" - George Santayana, 1906.

1st March 2016Comments are off for this post.

Empty promises.

RWE has claimed repeatedly on its website, in the press and even in its planning application that the proposed hydro scheme will bring “recreational enhancements” to the area. However on closer examination these appear to be limited to 2 things.

1. Footpath extension connecting the existing bridle way to Conwy Falls to prevent walkers having to walk along the A5.

An independent landscape consultant commissioned by the National Park has found that RWE have not included this in the final scheme design as they do not own or control the land in question and have no means to carry this out.

· The design guidance includes reference to a number of proposals which do not appear to have been carried through to the design as primary or ‘embedded mitigation’. These include:

Keep fencing to a minimum (metal railings proposed at the intake and tail outfall structure);

Restore marshland (no proposals identified);

Create a new viewing platform at Fairy Glen;

Extend footpath link from Fairy Glen to Conwy Falls avoiding the A5 (not possible due to land ownership).


RWE have been told by the Planning Officer that this footpath enhancement must be removed from the application. It is interesting to note that it still features on the RWE website

2. Provide a safe exit point for kayakers using the Middle Conwy.

This has been shown to be completely untrue. Two reports from separate water safety experts point to the increased risk the low head dam will cause to recreational river users, especially at the high flows that kayakers use the river. Canoe Wales has highlighted this to RWE and officially objected to the application on safety grounds to both the National Park and NRW. Ogwen Valley Mountain Rescue have also objected on the grounds of increased risk to river users and the danger that will be presented to their members when attending rescues at this location. Despite this RWE continue to claim this as a scheme benefit.

RWEs recreational enhancements have been shown to be nothing but empty promises. How many more of their claims will turn out to be the same?

29th February 2016Comments are off for this post.

Letter to the Planning Committee


Below is our letter to the planning committee, English follows below.


Annwyl Aelod o’r Pwyllgor,
Os gwelwch yn dda, treuliwch ychydig funudau yn darllen hwn cyn gwneud eich penderfyniad ddydd Mercher.
Y Cynnig:
Cored goncrid newydd ar draws Afon Conwy
Pibell 9 troedfedd o ddiamedr ‘wedi’i chladdu’n rhannol’ >1km o hyd, â bwtresi concrid helaeth
Twneli dan yr A5, ffrwydro/drilio am 900m, ger cartrefi a busnesau
Bydd yn disbyddu darn 2km o’r brif afon, yn cynnwys Rhaeadr y Graig Lwyd a SoDdGA Ffos Anoddun
Bydd yn cymryd hyd at 75% o’r dŵr uwchlaw’r llif cydbwyso isaf.

Cynllun Datblygu Lleol Eryri
Mae maint y prosiect yn groes i bolisi CDLl Eryri (3.19, t.46):
‘Er bod prosiectau cynhyrchu ynni ar raddfa fawr yn debygol o fod yn anghydnaws â statws Parc Cenedlaethol... gallai cwmpas fodoli i gyfrannu at leihau’r galw am drydan o danwydd ffosil trwy gyfrwng arbedion effeithlonrwydd a thrwy ddatblygiadau ynni adnewyddadwy ar raddfa fach er mwyn diwallu anghenion domestig neu gymunedol.’
Mae RWE yn datgan: ‘...byddai’r buddion yn rhai o natur tymor byr ac ni fyddai disgwyl i’r economi leol elwa i unrhyw raddau sylweddol...’ (EIA 13.4.6)

Byddai’r cynllun yn arwain at golli adnodd dŵr gwyllt o bwys cenedlaethol a rhyngwladol - colled i’r byd chwaraeon yng Nghymru, yr economi leol ac enw da Eryri fel cyrchfan gweithgareddau antur. Ond beth fyddai effeithiau’r cynllun o ran y canlynol:
Dadlwytho cerrig a gwastraff?
Difrod i nodweddion y SoDdGA a’r Goedlan Hynafol?
Silio a mudo pysgod?
Traffig yn ystod y gwaith adeiladu? - Mae RWE yn rhagweld >12,900 o deithiau dwyffordd gan gerbydau nwyddau trwm.
Difrod ac ymwthio gweledol mewn lleoliad enwog?
Niwed i enw da Eryri?

A wyddoch chi?
Mae Tîm Achub Mynydd Dyffryn Ogwen wedi gwrthwynebu ar sail y bygythiad i ddiogelwch a ddeuai yn sgil y gored fewnlif arfaethedig
Mae Fforwm Mynediad Lleol Gogledd Eryri wedi mynegi pryderon ynghylch effeithiau ar hamdden ac ymwelwyr
Mae dros 800 o bobl wedi ysgrifennu at Awdurdod y Parc ac mae dros 6,000 wedi llofnodi deiseb yn gwrthwynebu’r cynllun
Mae’r gwrthwynebwyr yn cynnwys dwsinau o fusnesau lleol, Plas y Brenin, Clwb Pysgotwyr Betws y Coed, yr Ymddiriedolaeth Coedlannau, Ymddiriedolaeth Bywyd Gwyllt Gogledd Cymru, Cymdeithas Eryri, Canŵ Cymru, Eryri Bywiol a Patagonia.
Cafwyd oddeutu 30 llythyr cefnogi a bron iawn bob un wedi’u hysgrifennu gan uwch aelodau staff RWE a Dulas.

A ydych chi’n hyderus y bydd Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru yn:
Egluro pam eu bod yn trin y cynnig hwn fel Parth 2 tynnu dŵr (uwch), er y dylai SoDdGA gael eu trin fel tynnu dŵr Parth 1 (is)
Egluro absenoldeb tystiolaeth eu harbenigwr eu hun o sylwadau swyddogol NRW - “Mae hi bron iawn yn amhosibl meintioli lefel yr hydwythedd, ac felly hefyd yn achos y tebygolrwydd o niwed i fflora bryoffytau’r SoDdGA (ymateb Rhyddid Gwybodaeth gan arbenigwr NRW ar Blanhigion Isel)
Egluro’r gwrth-ddweud rhwng safbwynt NRW a safbwynt bryolegydd ymgynghorol RWE, Dr Des Callaghan - “Ynghylch y cynllun yn Rhaeadr y Graig Lwyd, nid wyf yn credu y gellir dweud ag unrhyw fath o sicrwydd a fydd y cynllun yn arwain at effaith negyddol sylweddol ar fryoffytau.”



Dear Committee Member
Please take a few moments to read this before making your decision on Wednesday

The Proposal:
New concrete weir across the River Conwy
‘Semi-buried’ 9ft diameter pipe >1km long, with extensive concrete buttressing
Tunnels under A5, blasting/drilling for 900m, near homes and businesses
Depletes 2km of main river, including both Conwy Falls and the Fairy Glen SSSI
Takes up to 75% of the water above a minimum compensation flow.

Eryri Local Development Plan
Physical scale of the project is contrary to Eryri LDP policy (3.19, p.46):
‘Whilst large-scale energy power generation projects are incompatible with National Park status… scope might exist to contribute to reduce demand for electricity derived from fossil fuels through efficiency savings and through small-scale renewable energy developments to meet domestic or community need.’
RWE state that: ‘...benefits would be short-term in nature and would not be expected to benefit the local economy to any significant degree...’ (EIA 13.4.6)

The scheme would cause the loss of a whitewater resource of national and international significance - a loss to Welsh sport, the local economy and Eryri’s reputation as an adventure destination. But what impacts would the scheme have on:
Rock and spoil dumping?
Damage to SSSI features and Ancient Woodland?
Fish spawning and migration?
Traffic during construction? - RWE predict >12,900 two-way HGV journeys.
Visible damage and intrusion in a famous location?
Reputational damage to Snowdonia?

Did you know?
Ogwen Valley Mountain Rescue has formally objected on the grounds of the safety hazard that would be caused by the proposed intake weir.
Local Access Forum for Northern Snowdonia has registered concerns over impacts on recreation and visitors
Over 800 people have written to the Park Authority and over 6,000 signed a petition objecting to the scheme
The objectors include dozens of local businesses, Plas y Brenin, Betws y Coed Anglers Club, Woodland Trust, North Wales Wildlife Trust, Snowdonia Society, Canoe Wales, Snowdonia Active, and Patagonia.
Nearly all of the 30 or so letters of support were from senior staff members of RWE and Dulas

Are you confident that Natural Resources Wales will:
Explain why they are treating this as Zone 2 (higher) water abstraction, when SSSIs should be dealt with as Zone 1(lower) abstraction
Explain the absence of their own expert’s evidence from official NRW comments - “The level of resilience is almost impossible to quantify as, therefore, is the likelihood of damage to the SSSI bryophyte flora” (FoI response from NRW Lower Plant specialist)
Explain the contradiction between NRWs view and that of RWE’s consultant bryologist Dr Des Callaghan - “With regards to the Conwy Falls scheme, I do not believe that it is possible to say with any certainty whether the scheme will or will not have a significant negative effect on bryophytes.”


The committee meet on Wednesday 2nd March at 10am at Plas Tan y Bwlch, Maentwrog. It's a public meeting, and we'd urge you to attend if you can. 



28th February 2016Comments are off for this post.

Support from the sea.

It was great to receive a message of support from big wave surfer Gabe Davies. Gabe is not just famous for surfing some of the biggest coldest waves in the world but also for bringing the amazing surf spots of Ireland's wild Atlantic coast to international attention and for his work with environmental group Surfers against Sewage.


"It's easy to forget that wild places exist very close to all of us here in the UK. Within a few hours drive you can see some incredibly special places. I spent my pro surfing career searching beaches and rocky corners of the UK, Ireland and around the globe, looking for perfect waves. It showed me that we have to protect the special places that mean so much to us. Having been to the Fairy Glen on the river Conwy, I can appreciate what a really important and special place this is, both to those who live here and the future generations that are yet to discover it's beauty. I wish the team all the best in preserving this wild water way, and protecting both wildlife and the life's of those the river enriches from development. Please share your support and try and make time to discover this magical part of the World for yourselves and you will understand the passion behind this campaign."

Gabe Davies

(photo credit: Christian McCleod)

27th February 2016Comments are off for this post.

Yvon Chouinard

Yvon Chouinard founder of the Patagonia brand is a not only a highly successful businessman. He is a fly fisherman, kayaker, climber and environmentalist. Yvon many triumphs include the founding of the 1% for the planet movement, the purchasing of wilderness in South America to be turned into national parks and the campaign to remove damaging hydropower dams from American rivers.

Patagonia has supported Save the Conwy with advice, funding and increased exposure. Yvon Chouinards personal objection letter to the Snowdonia National Park is below.


25th February 2016Comments are off for this post.

Near a verdict…

The Afon Conwy has now been under threat since 2013! RWE have been pursuing plans to dam, divert and draw power from the river for over 2 years! This scheme has the potential to ruin the river's delicate eco-system, provide misery on the roads and damage local businesses & communities.

The National Park's verdict on the proposed scheme will be given on the 2nd March, 10am at Plas Tan y Bwlch. If you oppose the scheme then please attend and show your solidarity. 

We have prepared a quick slideshow on just what's at stake here.

[slideshare id=58712605&doc=conwyhydroslideshare1-160225145202]

8th February 2016Comments are off for this post.

Petition handover

On Friday the petition that you have all been signing and sharing was delivered to Janet Finch-Saunders AM (the Assembly Member for Aberconwy) with 6,311 signatures. She will take it to the Senate in Cardiff and hand it to Carl Sargeant Minister for Natural Resources. The handover took place at the beautiful Conwy Falls which would be affected by the proposed scheme.

IMGP5858 (1)

Save the Conwy's Chris Wright handing the petition to Janet Finch-Saunders AM

Also there were representatives of the groups working alongside Save the Conwy to object to the scheme.


Front row left to right:

 Francis Cattanach  North Wales Wildlife Trust,                                                                                              Rachael Walton representing the concerned local business community,                                                  Nick Corney Betws y Coed Anglers,                                                                                                                    Chris Wright Save the Conwy,                                                                                                                              Janet Finch-Saunders AM for Aberconwy,                                                                                                        Pete Catterall Plas y Brenin,

Back row left to right:

 Duncan Eades Canoe Wales,                                                                                                                                  Rory Francis Woodland Trust Wales,                                                                                                                  John Harold Director of the Snowdonia Society.

A copy of the petition will also be sent to the Snowdonia National Park ahead of the Planning Committee meeting on March 2nd.

The petition has only been a part of the campaign and sits alongside all our work with both the Snowdonia National Park and NRW, the fight is far from over. Thanks to those who have signed and to those who have written letters of objection to both the Park and NRW.

Stay in touch for more ways to get involved.