Opposition Speech 2

July 20, 2019
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Planning Meeting June 2019

I'm a local resident who has lived in Kendal all my life. I was affected by storm Desmond in 2015 and I'm speaking in opposition to the plans for the following reasons.

The application documents set out that phase 1 is part of three phases of a wider scheme but the Environmental Impact Assessment only relates to phase 1. In order to be fully effective, phase 1 is reliant on separate works that are as yet not funded or scoped. If only phase 1 is implemented then the protection level is 1 in 20 years. Even if all the phases were implemented then the protection level is only 1 in 100 years. Remember Storm Desmond was a 1 in 200 years!!

National guidance on EIA makes clear that “an application should not be considered in isolation if, in reality, it is an integral part of a more substantial development…. in such cases, the need for Environmental Impact Assessment must be considered in the context of the whole development”.

The Council’s solicitor states that phase 2 and 3 have not been developed to a point that would allow that level of scrutiny required for an EIA and there is no certainty that phases 2 and 3 would come forward at all. They have further stated that phase 1 is capable of being implemented as a standalone scheme. If only phase 1 was completed then there is increased flood risk to some properties (approximately 20) and the protections provided only offer a low level of protection. Further, in the National Planning Policy it states “when determining any planning applications, local planning authorities should ensure that flood risk is not increased elsewhere”. I also have a letter from Tim Farron stating, “One thing l am confident in is they would not be allowed to undertake work which would cause additional flooding whereby your property and that of your neighbours being made more vulnerable to flooding under these proposals.”

Historic England has raised concerns on the impact on heritage assets, in particular on the river environment at the heart of the conservation area (the River Kent Special Area of Conservation). The officer’s report states that even with the proposed mitigation, the proposals will cause harm to the significance of the Kendal Conservation Area, particularly, the setting of grade II listed buildings.

The proposal will mean a significant loss of trees and vegetation which is contrary to planning policy. This states that proposals should seek to conserve and enhance existing trees and woodland. As a result, this would cause substantial impact to wildlife including protected species, for example, Bats. And the visual Amenity of Kendal will be dramatically affected for all that live and visit, with an increased negative impact on conservation sites and listed structures.

All this and it still would not significantly reduce the level of flooding in Kendal.

Editor note:

Please help us to Save The Heart of Kendal. Sign the petition https://www.change.org/p/secretary-of-state-for-environment-stop-review-and-revise-kendal-flood-management-scheme


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