National Park Ecologist Recommends Refusal

September 14, 2016
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Under section 40 of the NERC act:

(1)Every public authority must, in exercising its functions, have regard, so far as is consistent with the proper exercise of those functions, to the purpose of conserving biodiversity.

This act requires the Snowdonia National Park Authority (SNPA) to take responsibility for the biodiversity affected by this planning application, this responsibility cannot be legally passed to NRW to decide (although NRW can give advice and make its’ own judgement this does not absolve the SNPA from its’ responsibility). (more…)

Michael de Silva
As a regular visitor to the SNP I view this application with horror. The size of the project can only be detrimental to the Park in every aspect. With advances in sustainable power this type of project is now obsolete with similar plant being decommissioned all over the world, leaving derelict plant rotting in the landscape.
Please reject this application.

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